A Life of Design to Life: by Design
Yes, me too.
I was one of the 17% impacted by the layoffs at Spotify. Before you read the rest of this article, I have SO MANY talented people to connect you to if you’re hiring. Please comment any opportunities you may have.
My partner and I picked up our lives and moved to London 10 months ago for my job as a Staff Service Designer at Spotify UK. It sucks, but I always knew it was a possibility. Will I stay in London? Probably not. Will I move back to Toronto? Maybe, but I’ve never been one to stay in one place for long — the sea always to calls me.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge opportunist and optimist. I take moments like this as a redirection. So, this is the perfect opportunity to announce that I will soon be an ICF Certified life* coach.
To be frank, I thought “life coaching” was silly when I first heard of it. I would expect a person who is a life coach to have a perfect life. I now realize it is the beautifully flawed that have the most to give in coaching. Coaching has almost nothing to do with the coach and everything to do with the way they can help a client find the answers within themselves.